Missed Connection Monday--Week 5
Cheryl Post Office You've worked at the post office since you were 19 years old and you retired last week. I came in every week to buy...

Missed Connection Monday--Week 4
To the girl w/short blonde curls on the 373 bus (Udistrict) It was really hard not staring at you for the four whole stops I was on the...

Missed Connection Monday--Week 1
Almost kissed (The kitchen)—Albuquerque Did we almost kiss? You caught me alone in the kitchen, you hugged me and wouldn’t let go, and I...
All The Words...
Since publishing Flip Flop Love, I've been working on my writing plans for the rest of the year. With Summer vacation coming up for my...

Happy Release Day to me...
Happy Release Day to me... Flip Flop Love, a romance novella, by Rosemary Rey ****99 CENTS**** Amazon: http://amzn.to/2EY0QHv ITunes:...