Missed Connection Monday--Week 5
Cheryl Post Office You've worked at the post office since you were 19 years old and you retired last week. I came in every week to buy...

Missed Connection Monday--Week 4
To the girl w/short blonde curls on the 373 bus (Udistrict) It was really hard not staring at you for the four whole stops I was on the...

Missed Connection Monday--Week 3
Downtown Restaurant Phelan (Phelan) Cute girl sitting down waiting for her food on Friday. Talked for a minute before I left, asked you...

Missed Connection Monday--Week 2
Lady with pointy nose at the wholefood market newton I was walking into the supermarket when I had noticed you. You had on these nice...

Shepherds and Lambs
Shepherds and Lambs is a Romantic Suspense novel that took me about 2 years to write. It's a story that I'd been interested in writing...